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Flaka Haliti (1982, Kosovo) lives and works between Munich and Vienna. From 2008-2013 studied at Städelschule Frankfurt am Main. In 2013 she became participant at PhD in Practice program at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions including places and institutions as; Kosovo Pavilion at Venice Biennial 56th, Moscow Biennial 6th, MUMOK-Museum of Modern Art, ; MUSAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla; ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Kunsthale Vienna; Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt; Kosovo National Gallery; BRUSSELS BIENNIAL 1; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Portikus. She is a winner of Arsviva Prize 2015/2016, Berlin; Villa Romana 2016, Florence; Muslim Mulliqi X 2014, Prishtina; Henkel Art. Award 2013 Vienna; 54th October Salon 2013, Belgrade.