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Edi MUKA (1969, Albania) is an art critic and curator. He is co-director of the Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennal (T.I.C.A.), a co-founder and curator of the Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (TICA) and curator and artistic director (together with Joa Ljungberg) of the Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art. Since 1999 he is director of the International Center of Culture of Tirana and he was in charge of the international program of Tirana’s National Gallery from 2001-2006. Edi Muka has curated several shows with Albanian and international artists, among them the Albanian Pavillion of the 48th (1999) the 51st Biennale of Venezia (2005) and exhibitions in Tirana, Milan, Berlin, Stockholm, Tel Aviv and New York. He has published extensively on contemporary art in exhibition catalogues as well as international art magazines such as Perpjekja, PamorArt, FlashArt, Springerin, Camera Austria, Manifesta Journal, Frieze.