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Who cares about art? was the title of the 2nd edition of the Art House School. Conceived as a question rather than a statement, “Who cares about art?” focuses on the relationship between the existing artistic standards and the constant  need to redefine them under the influence of society, social pressures and the demands that the artist endures. Additionally, their will be a discussion focused on the explicit roles of the art system. Through this dialogue an exchange will take place at which we will define artist as either one who creates the work and/or the one who cares about how it is perceived in relation to the public. The participants were Lori Lako, Haveit, Edson Luli, Doruntina Kastrati, Ergys Vela, Marina Sula and Pleurad Xhafa. A group of curators such as Johan Pousette, Helene Larsson Pousette, Rein Wolfs and Martin Engler were invited in a dialogue with the participants.